
Love Lock – Love locks are a symbol of love and commitment. Love locks around the world have been inspired by an ancient custom, which is believed to have originated in China – where lovers lock a padlock on a chain or gate and then throw away the key, symbolically locking their love forever. Around the world, cities from Moscow to Rome are filled with fences, bridges, and poles adorned with padlocks. Love padlocks have existed for quite some time. In Europe, love padlocks started appearing in the early 2000s. The reasons love padlocks started to appear vary between locations, and in many instances are unsourced. However, in Rome, the ritual of affixing love padlocks to the bridge Ponte Milvio can be attributed to the book “I Want You” by Italian author Frederico Moccia, who later made it into the film-adaptation Hovoglia dite. It has been said that if both members of “love’s hand” are not present as the lock locks, the love has been forever jinxed. These love padlocks are an expression of hope and humanity, connecting people around the world with the one thing that unites us all: love. #love #frankfurtlovelockbridge #MakeLoveLocks

Thanks to Instagram user @rememorable for the submission.